
Blog posts : "General"

Within the dynamic field of healthcare, orthopedic practices serve as essential pillars that ensure patient mobility and well-being. However, alongside the central focus on patient care is the intricate landscape of revenue management and billing. Maximizing revenue within orthopedic practices re...

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For healthcare providers billing for durable medical equipment (DME), contract negotiations with payers are an essential component. DME providers' financial stability and patients' ability to obtain necessary medical equipment are impacted by these contracts, which set forth conditions of service...

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The foundation of podiatry practices financially is podiatry billing, which guarantees sufficient compensation for specialist care given to patients with foot, ankle, and lower extremity disorders. But podiatrist billing may be complicated, and practitioners sometimes have to deal with issues inc...

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The evolution of physical therapy has transcended traditional boundaries and encompassed a wide range of non-traditional services aimed at holistic healing and greater well-being. These modalities, ranging from aquatic therapy to yoga and dry needling, offer innovative solutions for rehabilitatio...

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Despite being a vital component of running a profitable oncology practice, oncology billing is sometimes seen as difficult and complicated. The complexities of both medicine and finance must be well understood while handling oncology billing, from deciphering coding requirements to comprehending ...

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Durable medical equipment (DME) is a lifeline in healthcare, allowing people to maintain their independence and quality of life in the face of physical obstacles or medical conditions. DME, which includes anything from mobility aids like wheelchairs and walkers to life support systems like oxygen...

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Accurate and effective medical billing is critical for maximizing income in a physical therapy firm. While patient care is your primary focus, understanding the complexities of coding, claim submission, and best practices is critical for financial viability. As a physical therapist, you will most...

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